Monday, November 17, 2014

Smokey Valley Truck Stop and Carter Caves State Park

Happy Monday! We've officially had a bit of snow here, and I'm extremely excited for Christmas even though it's still a week and a half until Thanksgiving.

Anyway, last Monday Kam and I went on another adventure, this time to Olive Hill, KY. We'd been planning on eating at the Smokey Valley Truck Stop for awhile, and I was super excited when he suggested we finally go.

I didn't want to just drive all that way (it's about 30 min from Morehead's campus) just for a burger though, so I convinced Kameron to drive just ten minutes further and take me to Carter Caves State Park to do a little hiking.

Unfortunately the convincing took a little while, so when we finally got there it wasn't too long before dark, but luckily Carter Caves has a wide variety of trails ranging from 0.1 to 9 miles so we still got to get a little hiking in. We chose the 0.5 mile natural bridge loop trail and it took practically no time at all.

This state park also offers cave tours as there are multiple caves on the property. When I was growing up Carter Caves was my favorite state park in Kentucky, so I'm pretty sure I've been through at least most of them, but it's been a really long time.

I'm hoping one of these days we'll have time to go back and go through one of them because from what I remember they're pretty cool.

Anyway, after we finished our little hike at Carter Caves, we headed straight to Smokey Valley Truck Stop to get dinner just before sunset.

The Truck Stop is Olive Hill's claim to fame as Guy Fieri and the show Diners, Dives, and Drive-In's visited here a few years ago, and they didn't disappoint.

Kam was patient enough to wait for me to take these two pictures before diving in... I don't think our burgers sat on our plates for more than a minute before they were gone.

Also, I've heard that the coconut cream pie is their signature thing, but neither of us are big fans of coconut so he tried the peanut butter pie and I had a slice of pecan.

Mine was good but Kam said his was the best, so I recommend getting a slice of peanut butter pie from the Truck Stop if you're in the area.

Anyway, this was one of my favorite adventure dates Kameron and I have gone on, and I finally forced him to take another picture with me.

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