Sunday, December 14, 2014

All Seasons Café and Restaurant

Finals are finally over!! After one particularly rough final this Thursday, Kameron and I went out to eat lunch at the All Seasons, one of the local restaurants on Main Street in Morehead.

We'd been here one time before, but since I'm trying to get back into the swing of this whole blog thing, I decided to take some pictures and write about it this time!

So! I don't know how long it has been in Morehead, and I don't know anything about its story, but I do know that it's cute, local, delicious, and affordable!

Right now it's decorated for Christmas, but even when it's not the holiday season, the restaurant is always decked out and it makes me happy just to walk in.

It has a pretty relaxed atmosphere, and as you can see by the picture, all you have to do is walk in and pick a table.

The waiters are usually pretty quick, and after you order the food only takes a few minutes to come out.

Coca Cola is a big theme here by the way... I really wish I knew why and I wish I knew more about this business, but unfortunately I don't.

Maybe one of these days I'll get around to actually asking someone who works here to give me a little more information about it, but for now this is really all I've got so far!

So, let's move onto the food. This was my mine. It's a Chicken Cordon Blue with kettle chips, and it was really tasty and filling, and cheaper than I expected it to be.

Unfortunately I may have forgotten about my lactose intolerance for a moment again, and it does have a lot of cheese on it... just as a warning!

Also, the picture below is Kam's meal. He got a chicken salad wrap and the Loaded Potato Bacon Soup (that may or may not have been the exact name, but if you go it is one of the absolute best things on the menu and Kameron has gotten it both times he's been!).

Well, I wish I had more interesting facts to list off about the All Seasons, but I don't just yet.

I'll have to go back again and ask a few questions. Everyone on the staff there always seems really friendly though, so I'm sure they wouldn't mind.

Basically, this little local restaurant is really tasty and cheap. Kameron and I both ate for under $20... pretty sure it was under 20 anyway. He paid and I forgot to check the prices because I may have been a little upset over my final. Oops!

Anyway, anyone who goes to MSU or is in the area should really stop by for lunch because it really is good.

That's all for now! Check back over winter break for more fun entries that I really hope are a little better than this one! Enjoy!

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